In the pre-independence days, modern education was introduced by the British Government. As a result Poona became one of the most progressive centres of higher modern education in the Arts and Sciences. During 1921-1930, the activity known as National Education Movement was expedited and as a result, many cultural and educational institutions came into existence.
One of them is Vaidika Samshodhana Manadala.(Hereinafter VSM). The Late Mahabharatacharya Chitamanrao Vaidya, Shivarampant Paranjape, Sahityacharya N.C.Kelkar, Vaijanath Kashinath Rajwade were among the Founder Members of VSM. Although it was founded in 1st August 1928, it was registered in July 1939. The VSM is proud to have the grate scholars like J S Karandikar, S V Chitrav etc. to sign the document of registration. In a way these scholars are also the founder members of VSM.
Vaidika Samshodha Mandala is registered under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1939 & Bombay Public Trust Act 1950 – F46
VSM was established with the aims and objectives as follows –
1. To provide facilities for higher studies in Vedic literature.
2. To collect books and manuscripts concerning Vedic literature.
3. To publish original Vedic texts with commentaries.
4. To publish auxiliary literature such as Indices, Lexicons, Notes, Original contributions etc.
5. To carry on research in the Vedas.
6. To work out the plans to facilitate and carry out the projects.
After the establishment in 1928, soon in 1933 (The Late) Dr. C. G. Kashikar joined VSM as the Secretary and Editor to collaborate with the other Editor, (The Late) Pandit Sontakke in the ambitious research project of bringing out a new critical edition of the Ṛgveda with Sāyaṇa’s commentary.
This critical edition planned by VSM followed the principles laid down by Max Müller but used additionally new manuscripts and possessed the unique advantage of the consideration of the Oral tradition. This edition proved a valuable contribution to Vedic studies because of a more correct text of the Saṁhitā and the commentary, as well as a critical edition of the Khila hymns of the Ṛgveda.
In 1960-61 VSM shifted in its own spacious building; the foundation stone of which was laid down by Dr. Humayun Kabir, the then Education Minister, Government of India, New Delhi, 1960. The Government of India and the State Government had sanctioned adequate grants towards the construction of the building which exhibits a remarkable shape.
The building was inaugurated at the gracious hands of the Late Dr. Radhakrishnan the then President of India.
Dr. Kashikar continued with the second ambitious project of the Śrautakośa and completed the first part of Vol. I which included the Agniṣṭoma in 1970.
To pursue the objectives of the VSM, it had been resolved to bring out an authentic edition of the Kṛṣṇa Yajurveda Taittirīya Saṁhitā along with its Padapāṭha and the commentaries. The responsibility was shouldered by Dr. T. N. Dharmadhikari. This project planned in 1960 reached its completion in 2007 (1960-2007).
A close affinity in language, mythology and culture between the Veda and the Avesta (The Zoroastrian Scriptures) laid the foundation of the Avestan study centre in VSM in 1951. The Late Prof. I.J.S. Taraporewala a veteran Vedic and Avestan scholar was the first Honorary Director of this Centre. Prof. M. F. Kanga a well known Avestan and Pahlavi scholar succeeded him. The tradition was continued by the scholar High Priest Dr. Rooyintan Peer till the end of the last century. Then onwards the eminent indologist Prof M. A. Mehendale was teaching the Avesta till 2005.
In 1983 when the VSM got the status of the Adarsh Sanskrit Shodha SansthaDr. T.N. Dharmadhikari was appointed as the first Director of Adarsh Sanskrit Shodha Sanstha.
The VSM has been honoured with Athalye Guruji Puraskar by Shri Athalye family in 2001and Saraswatī Upāsanā Puraskāra by Ghaisas Guruji Vedapathashala Vedabhavan, 2007.
At present the third generation is working in the institute. Till date the VSM has trodden the path in the direction which was aimed at its establishment. In its long journey the institute, after overcoming the obstacles, has published 92 books including dvds . On 1st August 2021 the VSM will complete 93 years.