Research on the Veda is the main activity. There also preparing critical editions of the texts related to Vedas carries more importance. The Seminars, special lectures as well as lecture series and workshops on the topics related to Vedas and manuscriptology are arranged occasionally. We have been organizing Upanishad Adhyayan Varga for past six years. It is on every Friday at 3.45 p.m. to 5.45 p.m. on google meet
The VSM has organized many national and local research seminars. Many scholars have delivered expert lectures on several topics about Vedas.
Dr. Hema Patankar from U.S.A. delivering lecture on Pavitreṣṭi.

The VSM has also arranged Iṣṭi-s which proved to be very much useful for the understanding of Śrauta rituals.
The VSM has also organized the workshops on Manuscriptology where along with the lectures the student actually handled the Manuscripts.
Dr. Bhagyashree Bhagwat delivering lecture on the topic, ‘Handling and Preparing List of the Manuscripts’.
We earnestly hope that the Institute – VSM will start its journey towards ‘Śatābdi’ with the vision of Ṛṣis
Present Projects –
A. Taittiriya Brahmana Critical Edition
B. Manduki shiksha. –
C. Descriptive Catalogue of MSS – Vol. X. –
D. Aranyashiksha – .